Do it yourself installs

Expert tips on DIY hardwood floor installation


Hardwood floors are a great addition to any property. They add elegance and beauty to the rooms they are placed in. In addition, they are fairly easy to maintain and just as easy to lay. Here are some tips on hardwood floor installation which will help you achieve the best results.



Inspect the moisture levels of the sub-floor and make sure it is no more than 4%. If the material is concrete perform a PH alkalinity test and calcium chloride one. If there are any bumps on the surface or it is not level, use self-leveling sanding kits to remove the high areas. Clean and sweep the entire area and be sure to remove doors casings and moldings.



When performing the hardwood floor installation be sure to strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions about moisture. Measure the desired length. Use a carbide tipped blade to cut the boards and saw the pre-finished side to avoid chipping. When placing the boards leave a gap at the starting and ending rows which are the same as the thickness of the material. Move the boards into position with a tapping block. Do not hit the hardwood board directly. For measure pieces which need to fit at the end of the row use a board longer than its space. Flip so that the tongue is facing towards the installed ones. Mark and transfer to the surface of the board. Use an electric saw to cut at the made mark.


Hardwood floors are a great addition to any property. They are easy to lay and offer long-lasting elegance and beauty as well as relatively easy maintenance. When placing the material be sure to follow certain steps and avoid damaging the material. If you would like to learn more about DIY hardwood floor installation, contact a professional flooring contractor. An example of one such company is Absolutely Hardwood Flooring in Orlando, FL.

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